#1 Motivation Podcast
How do you find your feet on the path to a happier life? As we grow up, we come to cherish the life advice we received from inspirational figures in our lives - parents, grandparents, friends, teachers, and colleagues. There comes a point when we realize what we might've known if we'd only learned to listen sooner. But it's never too late to begin.
The Motivation Story Podcast with Scott embraces this spirit. Scott brings in guests who have stories to tell that we can all learn from - and in turn, guests talk about the people and practices that led them to discover a better life.
Listening is the foundation of learning. Learning is how we grow. Discover Scott's motivational podcasts and learn about the lives of his guests - ordinary people who, like all of us, lead extraordinary lives.
Start listening today!

Personal Stories. Universal Truth.
Stories of Motivation.

Each episode takes a deep dive into its guest's personal life and history. Speakers discuss what led them to become who they are today, the struggles they faced in their own lives along the way, and what they've learned through their accomplishments. Scott is fascinated by how people define and discover themselves through perseverance and adversity - each guest reveals struggles that are at once both familiar and devastatingly unique to the speaker.
The episodes focus on the journey from humble and often challenging beginnings to self-realization and learning to become your best self. The conversations don't flinch from the hardest parts of the journey; Scott encourages guests to be open about times when they felt lost and alone and when adversity seemed to get the better of them inevitably.
These subjects are often heartbreaking but are framed in a familiar context by the speaker's commitment to their own good life project. The best motivational podcasts understand adversity and even failure as stepping stones on the path to a more meaningful life, and conversations draw towards an inspiring conclusion and practical tips from people who have done a whole lot of living.
Past guests include:
Brittannee King (Owner and CEO of NVSME)
Raufeon Stots (Bellator MMA World Champion)
Haddie Djemal (TV Host and Motivator)
John Mallot (Entrepreneur, Author, and Speaker)
Scott brings these diverse voices of
experience to one platform where you can
learn from their experiences and apply
important lessons to your own life.
Browse the interviews to find out more.
What We Learn by Listening to Others

The best motivational podcasts perform the roles typically associated with life coaches, wellness experts, and folk who give TED talks - but delivered through conversations about experiences rather than didactic advice. You might learn about wellness trends and good habits. Still, learning lessons is far easier when you're voluntarily relating to the experiences of another rather than having a stranger tell you how to change your life.
Empathy is a critical part of self-improvement. By delving into topics related to the experiences of everyday people, a conversation can help you feel inspired far more than a motivational speaker who seems to have always had it all together.
Whether you need career motivation, help coping with loss, or simply a fresh perspective on your personal journey, a motivational podcast can make all the difference. Listen to Scott in conversation with his guests to learn through understanding rather than instruction.

A motivational podcast is nothing if it doesn't offer you a little extra motivation, right? Episodes range across the guests' lives to uncover what makes them tick. Each episode encourages them to lead their best life. You'll be astonished at the diverse feelings that real people draw on to stay motivated and what gives them that extra boost when they confront adversity.
Perhaps you're a freelance writer struggling with writer's block? Listen to a best-selling author on the podcast describe the challenges they faced finding the words they needed. Want to change your life by getting fitter but can't find the energy? The podcast interviews top athletes, and you'll be amazed at how little comes naturally to even the most successful people.
Stories are full of practical advice. A life coach can tell you what to do, but guidance without an empathetic framework doesn't connect with what matters. The best motivational podcasts bring stories to life and let you engage on terms that make sense to you.

Sure that you've got a great business idea, but it's not quite ready yet? Are you scared to take the plunge? As the podcast explains, you're not alone. Self-doubt is an integral part of personal development and can be a helpful check on heady ambitions.
Learning the diverse habits that others have developed to help them find inspiration is fascinating. Guests on these top podcasts share tips about where inspiration comes from, but this isn't a happiness lab where stories are squeezed for meaning - the weekly podcast seeks out diverse guests because each story is unique.
Listeners will relate more to one story than another; there's no "right way", and this motivational podcast understands that to inspire isn't necessarily to instruct. Find inspiration for a good life at your own pace with a daily dose of sage conversation.

The podcast runs for an hour-long or more because Scott considers it essential to hear his guests' stories fully. Only by knowing someone's story can you begin to understand them. Pop culture and social media can be reductive, and we struggle to understand others' experiences because there's no space to listen over the shouting. This motivational podcast is a refreshing antidote to that unhealthy formula.
Compassion is at the core of any good life project. As guests' lives are laid out and we discover the trials they've faced along the way, we see ourselves in their experiences. The podcast places the relatable experiences of daily life at its forefront, and listeners learn that there's no such thing as the have-it-all, do-it-all figure on the pedestal.
In turn, we learn that we can be just as successful as those we admire. We learn good habits by understanding how they helped another — not because a habit coach tells us we must do something without an explanation. The podcast is a must-listen for anyone interested in a compassionate approach to self-improvement.
Seeing the world through another's eyes is partly about finding common ground and partly about realizing that there are whole worlds out there that we've never considered. Scott seeks out a wide range of guests for the podcast to illustrate both points.
Motivational podcasts focus on letting an individual speak their truth. How does a life-changing illness impact your relationship with those around you, and does it kill off your dream of starting a business? It's a terrifying question, but listening to guests who have been in these positions and flourished gives us some perspective through the eyes of one who knows.
Personal Growth

Habits such as practicing kindness are often key to personal growth. It can be in tiny details - you might hear about how someone simply started making a point of asking "how's work?" to their long-term partner each day because they were worried about the lack of communication in their relationship. The details matter.
Likewise, the podcast might cover an individual's struggles with diet culture and how they found the motivation to help others with well-being and dietary concerns. The episodes are all about how we get somewhere; growth and success should never be opaque.
Scott focuses on those things that give his guests a little motivation that we all need to keep us running smoothly. These interviews share those precious experiences and show listeners how to grasp opportunities for growth.
Browse podcast episodes to discover more.

What Defines the Best Motivational Podcasts?
Real Lives with Real Lessons
Learn from people just like you who have faced similar hardships. Discover how inspiring people have overcome challenges to become happier. Podcast guests speak candidly about what makes them tick, what has held them back in the past, and how everyone can change their lives for the better.
Finding Your Entrepreneurial Spirit
Guests on podcasts discuss the importance of living on their own terms. Discovering that entrepreneurial spirit and using it not simply to build a business, but to flourish in your day-to-day life, is a critical outcome of the Motivation Story Podcast.
Learn from people who have built businesses from scratch and have discovered their niche in the most unlikely ways. Find out that you already have the same spirit and desire - and how a few good habits can change everything around you.
Confronting Adversity
Scott interviews guests from every walk of life to discover the unique challenges they've faced on their journeys. Learn more about the systemic challenges facing people who make it through their fighting spirit and commitment to positivity. Hear from people who have lived the same experiences as you every day and how they find meaning and beauty in their lives.
Conversations about adverse conditions are both heartbreaking and enlightening. We could all use more input from people who are forced to see the world differently from the way we do, and the best motivational podcasts provide that. Discover new worlds and let the podcast open your mind and inspire you to help others in challenging situations.
Improving Your Mental Health
Many of the guests Scott meets has stories of how they've struggled with their mental health as they've sought to walk the best path. The podcast explores mental health topics such as depression, anxiety, and trauma with compassion and understanding. It gives guests a platform to speak about their experiences and guide others who are suffering as they did - and often still do.
Podcasts treat delicate issues with the utmost sensitivity. Guests are candid about their experiences and how they've learned to deal with mental health issues and grow in spite of setbacks.
Learning Your Talent
The podcast explores how guests discover talents and skills in the unlikeliest places. Guests' accounts destroy the myth that "natural talent" is essential for achievement. Simply setting a to-do list, trying and trying again, and learning from your mistakes can lead you to find skills that you never knew you had.
Becoming a Winner
The final goal of every person is to achieve happiness in their lives. Despite hardships and harsh learning curves, podcasts explore how guests' commitment to being better has helped them every step of the way.
Dealing With Loss
The loss of family members and loved ones is a frequent subject on our motivational podcast. Everyone experiences loss at some point - podcasts strive to illustrate these experiences to help those suffering from loss know that they're not alone. The podcast explores personal feelings of grief and how guests moved forward from their lowest points.

Overcoming Negative Habits
The best motivational podcasts don't shy away from difficult topics such as addiction. Scott and his guests are candid about imperfection, and guests' accounts show not just how a positive approach and finding the right help can change your attitude but the key motivators that inspired guests to overcome their negative habits.
Join The Motivation Story

The Motivation Story Podcast is about bringing the lives of ordinary people into the light and exploring how they found their best selves. Guests' accounts give listeners access to a wide range of experiences and approaches - there's no one-size-fits-all approach. That's what makes every episode personal.
Listen to new episodes today!